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29 February 2020. Brantford, ON. Explore conservation in your backyard and beyond at the 8th Annual Brant Eco Conference hosted by the Brant Rod & Gun Club. The full-day program includes a presentation by Ian Fife from Birds Canada on our Ontario Forest Birds at Risk Program.

21 – 23 February 2020. Toronto, ON. At the Outdoor Adventure Show, discover how Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton are exploring birds and raising awareness about conservation during a multi-year hike across Canada. Don’t miss their presentation, “Exploring Canada Along the Great Trail,” on the Best of Canada Adventures Stage.

21 February 2020. Kemptville, ON. Discover how to create a Biodiversity Inventory of your woodlot at a presentation by Ian Fife from Birds Canada – part of the Kemptville Woodlot Conference.

20 February 2020. Aylmer, ON. Everyone is welcome to attend the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority Annual General Meeting. The event will feature a keynote talk on the Birds Canada Ontario Forest Birds at Risk Program, presented by Kyle Cameron. Please RSVP to

17 February 2020. Toronto, ON. Join Andrés Jiménez from Birds Canada for an urban Great Backyard Bird Count Walk and Talk at Rouge Urban Park from 1-2:30 pm. At this family-friendly outdoor event, you will learn about common winter birds in Toronto, how you can be a Citizen Scientist, and how to help birds in the city. Please contact Andrés ( for more information.

15 February 2020. London, ON. Join Birds Canada staff and the City of London for a guided bird walk – part of the global Great Backyard Bird Count. After enjoying the birds, you can warm up with hot chocolate and cookies and see how the bird count data goes into the database where it can be used in valuable research. Support for this event has been provided by TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.

14  – 17 February 2020. Worldwide. During the Great Backyard Bird Count – a free, fun event – join people around the world in counting birds for at least 15 minutes. By counting them, we can create a clearer picture of bird populations and their health. Learn more and get involved!

14 – 15 February 2020. Niagara River (Ontario and New York State). Join us at Birds on the Niagara – the first annual international celebration of birds on the Niagara River! Keep an eye out for Amanda Bichel, Ontario IBA Coordinator for Birds Canada, at the Niagara Glen Nature Centre.

11 – 13 February 2020. Richmond, BC. Join us at the Invasive Species Council of BC Annual Public Forum. Don’t miss the “Citizen Science – Beyond our Borders” session on 13 February, featuring a presentation by Catherine Jardine from Birds Canada.

5 – 6 February 2020. Ottawa, ON. Join us at the Nature-Based Climate Solutions Summit to help increase our collective knowledge and seize opportunities for advancing shared goals related to climate and biodiversity. Participants will explore: nature-based climate change mitigation, ecosystem restoration and adaptation, natural infrastructure, protected areas, and Indigenous-led approaches to all of the above.

14 December 2019 – 5 January 2020. Join the Christmas Bird Count! Team up with your local birding community to take a census of the birds in your count circle. Find a count near you or contact Yousif Attia at if there is not yet a count in your area.

1 December 2019 – 31 January 2020. At Christmas Bird Count for Kids (CBC4Kids) events across Canada, kids explore winter birds, build identification and monitoring skills, and connect with their local birding community. Your family, group, or class can join the fun by finding an event near you or planning your own!

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