The Birds Canada National Headquarters is proudly located at the base of Long Point in Port Rowan, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada.
Long Point is an area of outstanding natural significance and the historic home of Birds Canada founded as Long Point Bird Observatory in 1960. Long Point’s unique diversity of ecosystems including vast wetlands, productive sheltered waters, extensive forested areas, and the significant wildlife they harbour, has earned the region recognition as a United Nations World Biosphere Reserve and Globally Important Key Biodiversity Area, a Ramsar wetland, and International Monarch Butterfly Reserve.
Our headquarters provides indispensable infrastructure for our talented and dedicated staff who conduct a wide variety of administration, communications, fundraising, scientific and stewardship work in support of local, regional, national, and international conservation efforts.
On the door step of Port Rowan, and Long Point, the property accommodates a wide range of community services with 4 km of walking trails and lookouts through restored forest and wetlands, and picnic area, and the headquarters which features the Natural Heritage Events Room, and public washrooms.
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Hours of Operation:
Birds Canada’s headquarters is open on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The National Heritage Events Room and washrooms are open to the public, and can be booked for gatherings, meetings, and special events. The site is wheelchair accessible. There is no admission and free parking is available. Booking the National Heritage Event Room.
Visitors are welcome to enjoy the property anytime – walk the self-guided nature trails, scan Long Point’s Inner Bay from our viewing stand, or relax on the deck and watch for shorebirds or waterfowl in Birds Canada’s managed wetland/mudflats complex. Visit the eBird Canada Hotspot – Birds Canada Headquarters Property.
115 Front Rd.
Port Rowan, Ontario
N0E 1M0
From highway 401 take Hwy 59 south to Long Point. The Birds Canada Headquarters is located at 115 Front Rd., Port Rowan.
While you’re in the area:
Visit the Long Point Bird Observatory, and other treasures in Norfolk County: Long Point Country Chamber of Commerce.
Take the Long Point Birding Trail!
A word about our logo:

English name: Canada Warbler
French name: Paruline du Canada
Scientific name: Cardellina canadensis
Many people are familiar with our logo, but are perhaps not as familiar with the Canada Warbler and why it was chosen as the symbol for our organization. The strikingly beautiful Canada Warbler first appeared on Birds Canada’s magazine, BirdWatch Canada, in the summer of 1996.
Its breeding range runs from northeastern British Columbia across the southern Boreal Forest Region to Nova Scotia, and also extends into southern Ontario, the northeastern U.S., and through the Appalachians. About 80% of all Canada Warblers breed in Canada. The entire population winters in northern South America, primarily in the Andes. According to the Canadian Breeding Bird Survey, Canada Warbler populations have declined significantly over the last 40 years (on average, 2.9% per year since 1970). The species has been federally designated as Threatened since 2008. Reasons for population declines include changes in Canada’s Boreal Forests, and habitat loss in wintering areas.
Understand. Appreciate. Conserve. These words form the basis of Birds Canada’s work. We, together with our Citizen Science volunteers, and supporters, strive to understand and encourage a greater appreciation of all birds, including species that fly under the radar like the Canada Warbler. Our ultimate goal is conservation through sound science, on-the-ground actions, innovative partnerships, public engagement, and science-based advocacy. The Canada Warbler symbolizes the work we do. Despite its striking appearance, carrying our country’s name and being found across most of Canada, the Canada Warbler is not as well-recognized as the Common Loon or Canada Goose. It is disappearing from our forests and is an indicator of environmental concern. This amazing bird is an excellent representative for us as Canada’s leading charity for bird conservation.