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Job Opportunities

Job Posting – Aerial Insectivore Stewardship Technician

Job Posting – Aerial Insectivore Stewardship Technician

The Birds Canada Aerial Insectivore Conservation program is seeking the support of an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and personable candidate for the role of Aerial Insectivore Stewardship Technician. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct fieldwork and public outreach focused on recovering threatened species, including Chimney Swifts, Bank Swallows, and Barn Swallows.

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Job Posting – Aerial Insectivore Field Technician

Job Posting – Aerial Insectivore Field Technician

The Aerial Insectivore Field Technicians will collect field data on nest-site selection, home range habitat use, and diet of Eastern Whip-poor-will in Norfolk County, Ontario. Responsibilities include nest searching, assisting with capture and tagging of Eastern Whip-poor-will, home range telemetry tracking, collecting insect samples, and completing vegetation sampling.

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Job Posting – BC Wildlife Technician

Job Posting – BC Wildlife Technician

The technician will work with biologists in collecting field data related to bird species breeding at Iona Beach Regional Park in Vancouver, BC. The project is focused on Tree Swallows and the flying insects they feed on around the ponds at the park.

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Job Posting – BC Species-at-Risk Biologist

Job Posting – BC Species-at-Risk Biologist

The Biologist will be collecting field data related to bird species-at-risk in BC (Long-billed Curlew, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Common Nighthawk, and Black Swift). This work will include preparing equipment needed to survey birds and bird nests, traveling with field staff to remote nesting sites to search
for nests, conducting nest monitoring at field sites to assess nest productivity of species-at-risk, conducting predator counts at nest sites, and assisting in drone surveys of grassland sites to detect nesting birds.

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Job Posting – Project Management Specialist, International Cooperation & Conservation

Job Posting – Project Management Specialist, International Cooperation & Conservation

The Project Management Specialist role is all about helping bring people together to address the complex and overlapping crises that nature and communities in Latin America face today. With our partners in the Conserva Aves Initiative, you will be supporting the establishment of new protected areas – working at the intersection of biodiversity conservation for birds, gender equality and inclusion and community-led sustainable economic development.

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Job Posting – Forest Birds at Risk Field Technician

Job Posting – Forest Birds at Risk Field Technician

The Forest Birds at Risk Field Technicians will survey private and public woodlots for forest birds, with a focus on five target species at risk: Cerulean Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Louisiana Waterthrush, Prothonotary Warbler, and Red-headed Woodpecker.

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Job Posting – Grassland Bird Technicians

Job Posting – Grassland Bird Technicians

Grassland Bird Technicians will conduct fieldwork across various sites on both private and public lands in southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba to monitor and assess grassland bird populations. Primary responsibilities include early morning avian point counts, rapid vegetation and habitat assessments, and the deployment and retrieval of autonomous recording units (ARUs). Additional duties include data entry, equipment maintenance, and preliminary processing of bioacoustic samples.

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Volunteer Internship – Bird Observatories

Volunteer Internship – Bird Observatories

Seasonal volunteer internships are available at Birds Canada’s two bird observatories situated at two of Ontario’s foremost bird migration hotspots; Long Point Bird Observatory, on the north shore of Lake Erie, and Thunder Cape Bird Observatory which it operates in partnership with the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists on the north shore of Lake Superior, near Thunder Bay, Ontario.

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