Birds Canada held its annual general meeting virtually on September 25. It featured our new President Patrick Nadeau in conversation with video reporter and Birds Canada Board member Thor Diakow. This special presentation was open to all who wished to “attend”. Thank you to everyone who tuned in! If you weren’t able to join in that day, you can watch the recording here:
The meeting also ushered in some changes to our Board. Birds Canada is fortunate to have an outstanding Board of Directors volunteering their time and expertise to direct and protect the organization. Thank you to each of them! In particular, we’d like to acknowledge the three outgoing Board members – Sean Macey, Rodger Titman, and Nathalie Zinger – for their service. We also warmly welcome the newly elected members: Michael J. Bonnick, Justin Peter, and Mike Wong. Congratulations to our new Board Chair Anne McConnell and Vice-Chair Brian Finnigan. And another hearty thank-you to our Past Chair, Paul Uys.
Our 2020-21 annual report and financial statements can be found here:
Watch this video to explore some of our key achievements for birds in 2020-2021, made possible by your support and involvement!
Another way we say thank you to our members is through our quarterly magazine, BirdWatch Canada. If you’re a member, we hope you’ll enjoy the Fall issue, out now. It includes articles about gardening for birds in the fall, the Key Biodiversity Areas program, Project FeederWatch, and more! Look for it in your mailbox or inbox.
Long-billed Curlew Photo: Katelyn Luff