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BC’s Fraser Estuary Featured at Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference

BC’s Fraser Estuary Featured at Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference

At the beginning of April, Bird Studies Canada staff attended the 30th Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference in Seattle, Washington. We thank the Swinomonish Tribal Community and the Coast Salish people for welcoming us, allowing us to gather on their traditional territory, and sharing their knowledge and culture throughout the conference proceedings.

Birds Make Headlines in BC

Birds Make Headlines in BC

For those who follow local news related to birds in British Columbia, it would seem that birds have been cropping up a lot so far in 2018. The International Ornithological Congress and Vancouver International Bird Festival are still five months away, but we are already starting to see a number of stories featuring these promising events!

New IBA Abounds with Birds

New IBA Abounds with Birds

Bird Studies Canada and partners are thrilled to announce the designation of a new Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) in the southwestern James Bay region! The new site amalgamates seven former IBAs, covers an additional 716 km2, and was created to better reflect bird habitat use and movements within this unique area.