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Kids Go Wild for the Schoolyard Bird Blitz!

Kids Go Wild for the Schoolyard Bird Blitz!

Bird Studies Canada invites your students to explore the diversity of birds in your neighbourhood by participating in the Schoolyard Bird Blitz this spring! In addition to getting outside and learning about local bird life, students are ‘scientists’ responsible for conducting a survey of birds at their school and reporting the observations to Bird Studies Canada.

Students Help Remove 120 lbs. of Garbage from Shorebird Habitat

Students Help Remove 120 lbs. of Garbage from Shorebird Habitat

On a sunny day in October, 47 students and 4 teachers from Ecole Calixte F. Savoie in Saint-Anne de Kent, NB got some hands-on experience in helping and learning about nature. They joined Denise Maillet of Bird Studies Canada, as well as Denise Roy and Jennifer White of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), to clean up a section along Cap Lumiere beach.

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