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By Yousif Attia, Canadian CBC Coordinator, Birds Canada

This upcoming season marks the 123rd year for the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) in Canada. The CBC is a winter tradition for thousands of Canadians and a great introduction to Citizen Science. If you’re interested in birds and their conservation, I encourage you to participate – everyone is welcome.

Want to be part of the Christmas Bird Count this winter?  Visit our CBC webpage to learn how you can get involved. You can also contact us at if you have questions.

Reminder: Please keep safety your number one priority should you choose to participate in our Citizen Science programs, and always follow your local health authority safety guidelines.

Photo: Julie Clement

Thank you for making the CBC possible

Thank you to all the participants, compilers, and regional editors who dedicate their time and effort towards conservation in this way. Data collected during CBCs become available to bird population scientists, environmental planners, and the general public. If not for the contributions of all the volunteer Citizen Scientists over the past century, we might not have been able to shine a spotlight on the recent population declines and the potential consequences for ecosystems. That is why it is so important that the CBC tradition lives on, that compilers continue to submit their results, and that we continue to monitor birds in the same way. 

Evening Grosbeak Photo: Nina Stavlund

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