Volunteer opportunity:
Volunteers are needed to cover vacant survey routes across Canada, and there is a priority need for new volunteers in northern and central Ontario. The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is the primary source of long-term bird population trends across the continent and keeps scientists and wildlife managers informed of significant changes in breeding bird populations. Volunteers spend a full morning tallying all birds that they see or hear during three-minute counts at 50 designated roadside stops along their route.
Is it for me?
This survey is excellent for experienced birders who can identify all bird species they may see or hear along their assigned route. You will need access to a vehicle. Being a “morning person” will help – volunteers drive to their assigned route before sunrise.
Learn more and get involved:
Please visit the North American Breeding Bird Survey map to see available routes: https://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbs/RouteMap/Map.cfm. To volunteer, please contact your provincial/territorial coordinator or the national BBS office.