2024 Pawpaw Parade
The annual Pawpaw Parade is back! October is pawpaw month, and the 2024 Pawpaw Parade is here to celebrate this beautiful native tree and largest native fruit. This year, Birds Canada is partnering with Carolinian Canada alongside over 25 other groups to help 500...Little Garden on the Prairie Workshop
Gardening with Native plants that will thrive in full sun.
Afternoon: “How Quickly things Grow”
Getting a handle on how to plant a garden in full sun. Hosted at Birds Canada National Headquarters and in the rapidly expanding native plant gardens at a private home in the lakeside town of Port Rowan.
Volunteers and Plovers Persist Through Soggy Season
The 2019 season was not without its challenges for Piping Plover conservation in Ontario. High waters were an issue across the Great Lakes, leading to smaller nesting territories, and less beach overall for plover families and beachgoers to share.
How do Recent Changes in Lake Erie Affect Birds?
Recently we are hearing about harmful algal blooms, botulism, invasive species, climate change impacts, and other issues. You may be wondering why this is and what it means for birds.