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Exciting Changes Afoot for High-Impact Ornithology Journal

Exciting Changes Afoot for High-Impact Ornithology Journal

Successful conservation of birds is grounded in sound science. Avian Conservation and Ecology (ACE) – an open-access, electronic scientific journal co-sponsored by Bird Studies Canada and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists – is very important in this regard. We are excited to welcome Dr. Alex Bond as the new incoming co-editor-in-chief who will join Dr. Hobson to continue guiding and growing ACE.

Discover the Latest Research in Avian Conservation and Ecology

Discover the Latest Research in Avian Conservation and Ecology

Do you enjoy discovering stories from the cutting edge of bird research? Did you know that you can read a range of fascinating articles online and for free in the journal Avian Conservation and Ecology? Read a recent news article in the London Free Press and find out why Avian Conservation and Ecology is worth subscribing to.