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During the month of May, people have been celebrating birds in the urban jungles of Toronto, Vancouver, and – thanks to online event platforms – beyond. Thank you so much to all of you who have participated so far!

You still have time to join in! Learn something new about birds or experience them in a new way. The 2022 Vancouver Bird Celebration continues until May 31 and the 2022 Toronto Bird Celebration continues until June 19. The remaining events are in person (not online) and several are free to attend.

Toronto Bird Celebration event Photo: Olivia Carvalho

Toronto Bird Celebration

Upcoming events:

Now is also your last chance to enter the Celebirdies contest. The last day to enter is May 29, 2022. During the contest, bird lovers in the GTA have the chance to win prizes by sharing their bird sightings. See the contest rules for details on how to enter. Winners will receive packages including prizes like Kanken Backpacks and caps from Fjällräven, online courses from Passerina Bird Connection, published works from Firefly Books, and more. 

The Toronto Bird Celebration is coordinated by Birds Canada.

We extend our gratitude to the Bird Champions that make the Toronto Bird Celebration a reality: TD Friends of the Environment, Pattison Outdoor, Armstrong Bird Food, and Kowa – Optics Provider. We also thank the sponsors that make the Toronto Bird Celebration’s free and fantastic events possible: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Fjällräven, Quest Nature Tours, Royal Ontario Museum, and Firefly Books. Thank you for this generous support!

Anna’s Hummingbird Photo: George Clulow

Vancouver Bird Celebration

Upcoming events:

The Vancouver Bird Celebration is coordinated by Stanley Park Ecology Society.

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