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Baird’s Sparrow Photo: Christian Artuso

A team of Bird Studies Canada staff will soon be heading to the 12th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference in Winnipeg, MB from February 19-21. The theme of the conference is “Working Landscapes,” and participants will be exploring intersections between conservation and agriculture. Among the attendees will be scientists, landowners, consultants, educators, nature enthusiasts, land managers, and more. Bird Studies Canada is pleased to be a sponsor for what promises to be a fruitful event!
If you are going to the conference, we hope you’ll have the chance to connect with one of Bird Studies Canada’s staff. Here’s who you can keep an eye out for:

Dr. Christian Artuso (Director, Manitoba) is chairing the programming committee for the conference and will be on hand to discuss cattle ranching as an effective mechanism for grassland and bird conservation. On February 20, he will give a talk entitled: “Conservation grazing: A last hope for grassland Species at Risk” (Session 5) and on February 21, he will co-present “Spy Hill-Ellice Community Pasture: An agricultural oasis for prairie Species at Risk” (Session 14).

Andrew Couturier (Senior Director, Landscape Science and Conservation) will be speaking about Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas as a tool for conserving prairie ecosystems (February 21, Session 10).

Dr. Silke Nebel (Vice-President, Conservation and Science) will also be in attendance and is interested to discuss topics related to sustainable agriculture and conservation of invertebrates.

LeeAnn Latremouille (Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator), Dr. Kiel Drake (Director, Saskatchewan) and Janine McManus (Saskatchewan Program Biologist) will be eager to speak to anyone with an interest in the Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas. Look for them at the poster session and at the Bird Studies Canada display.
We look forward to seeing you there! And if you can’t make it, we’ll be sharing highlights on our blog and on social media using the #PCESC19 hashtag.

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