By Liza Barney, Science Educator, Bird Studies Canada
Photo: Carol Marit
This past school year, thousands of students explored the world of birds with Bird Studies Canada. Our educational offerings include field trips to Long Point Bird Observatory, Virtual Ornithology distance learning programs, and Citizen Science at School opportunities.
A participant favourite, the Schoolyard Bird Blitz bird count program, recently wrapped up with a grand total of 73 species observed across the country. The American Robin remains the most common and abundant species in Canadian schoolyards, while highlights for students included an American Pelican catching and eating a fish in Pinehouse, SK; a White-breasted Nuthatch feeding young in Winnipeg, MB; and a rare sight for Porcupine Lake, ON – a Scarlet Tanager!
Stay tuned for more exciting bird education opportunities that will be available for September 2017. Our new Migration Education Program features the science of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System!
Bird Studies Canada is grateful to our supporters: Ontario Trillium Foundation, NSERC PromoScience, The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, and Ontario Power Generation. Thank you for furthering opportunities in bird education.