The world’s biggest celebration of birds and bird science is coming to Vancouver, British Columbia, and you’re invited! Bird Studies Canada is proud to be a co-host of the International Ornithological Congress, taking place August 19-26, 2018.
The International Ornithological Congress has been held every four years since 1884. More than 2000 bird scientists from about 100 countries around the world are expected to participate in the 2018 Congress.
In addition to an impressive roster of plenary speakers from nearly every continent, the Congress offers an array of symposia highlighting an amazing variety of bird research happening around the globe. Bird Studies Canada scientists are taking a leading role in three of these sessions. Our British Columbia Program Manager Dr. David Bradley is co-convening “Advances in Biosecurity to Reverse Invasive Alien Species Impacts on Islands.” Our Migration Program Manager Stuart Mackenzie is co-convening “Cooperative Automated Radio Telemetry Systems in Avian Research,” which will include insights from the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. And our Director of National Programs Jon McCracken is a co-convenor and keynote speaker for “The Role of Citizen Science in State of Bird Reporting and its Influence on Nature Conservation.”
Several additional Bird Studies Canada staff will be attending and presenting at the Congress. Please stay tuned for updates in the months to come!
Don’t miss our “Canada Night” reception on Tuesday, August 21, with a featured presentation by the renowned author and conservationist Margaret Atwood. Your ticket is included with Congress registration. This very special event is organized and co-hosted by Bird Studies Canada and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists.
Looking for unforgettable birdwatching opportunities this summer? Check out the Congress tours – not only in the Vancouver area, but also to other Canadian birding hotspots, and even farther afield.
Registration for the 2018 International Ornithological Congress is open! Register now to reserve your spot, take advantage of early rates, and gain access to hotel discounts. The abstract submission deadline is January 31, 2018.
As well as being a Congress co-host, Bird Studies Canada is also a partner of the Vancouver International Bird Festival, which will feature a range of workshops, walks, talks, and exhibitions for the duration of the Congress.
The West Wing of the spectacular Vancouver Convention Centre will be the hub for Congress and Festival activities, bringing the worlds of conservation science, academia, and birding together for a major celebration of ‘all things birds.’
Please join us for this once-in-a-lifetime gathering that combines highly prestigious bird science meetings with unique nature tours, an exciting public bird fair, creative events and displays, and more. This August, birds and Vancouver will share the spotlight on the world stage. We hope you’ll join us there!