Thank you to those who have already registered for the 2021 Great Canadian Birdathon®. Sign up now and you can join thousands of birders and supporters giving birds a boost! Last year’s Birdathon raised $212,279.61 for conservation efforts, thanks to individuals like you. Join the flock and register today.
The Birdathon not only helps birds, but can also be a safe way to add enjoyment to pandemic life. You can do it anywhere. Last year, participants watched birds from their yards, rooftops, and even their computer desk (George Pond searched through a collection of photos he’d taken over the years, finding 284 species that could hypothetically be encountered during May in Long Point, ON!). You can also do your Birdathon any time in 2021, so pick a date that works well for you in your area.

Some of the images George Pond found on his 2020 “photo Birdathon” Photos: George Pond
As a participant, you’ll be entitled to receive this year’s t-shirt featuring a sharp Thick-billed Longspur design, and have a chance to win fantastic prizes!
New for 2021: Participant photo album
This year, we’re creating an online photo album of Birdathon moments from teams all across Canada, and maybe beyond. We’d love to see loads of bird lovers represented – including your team! If you’d like to participate, please send your photos to Kris at kdobney AT You can watch the album grow by visiting our Facebook page. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to celebrate the Birdathon community and your amazing support for birds!

Photo: George Pond
Your Birdathon helps birds like the Common Nighthawk
Your Birdathon proceeds make an impact for birds, in part through research and conservation efforts conducted by organizations and individuals outside of Birds Canada. The proceeds are channeled to these projects in the form of grants awarded through the Baillie Fund.

Common Nighthawk Photo: Catherine Jardine
This year, Elora Grahame was chosen to receive the Baillie Fund’s Student Award for Field Research. This will support her Ph.D. project entitled “Linking the Summer Grounds with Migration for Ontario’s Declining Nightjars.” This research will help us learn more about the Common Nighthawk and Eastern Whip-poor-will and their migrations: for example, how various factors influence their migration rate. This award seems particularly fitting as it was financed by money raised in 2020, when the Birdathon t-shirt featured Common Nighthawks!
Contribute to the understanding and conservation of birds – register for the 2021 Great Canadian Birdathon!

2020 Birdathon shirt