White-breasted Nuthatch Photo: Ric Hornsby
Participants in Project FeederWatch make a difference by collecting simple information about birds visiting feeders in winter. Over the past three decades, FeederWatchers have been helping scientists measure important changes in North America’s winter bird populations.
Helping birds through Project FeederWatch is fun and easy. As a participant, you contribute to Citizen Science while learning more about birds. It can also strengthen your connection to nature, friends and family, and the FeederWatch community. Watch our new video to see FeederWatchers in action!
Whether you’re already a dedicated birdwatcher or would like to give it a try, you can sign up for Project FeederWatch by calling 1-888-448-2473 or visiting our website. The annual registration costs $35, which supports the project (free for members of Bird Studies Canada). Join today and receive a subscription to our BirdWatch Canada magazine, a poster of common feeder birds, a calendar, last season’s results, and access to online data tools. Bird Studies Canada and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology also share expert advice to help participants identify, understand, and look after feeder birds.
Want to know what scientists have uncovered using Project FeederWatch data? Check out the latest volume of Winter Bird Highlights and feederwatch.org. You can also see regional breakdowns of last season’s Canadian results in the fall issue of BirdWatch Canada. With your participation, Project FeederWatch can help us learn even more about birds. Join today.
Armstrong Bird Food and Wild Birds Unlimited are national sponsors of Project FeederWatch in Canada.