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By Natasha Barlow (Ontario Projects Biologist) and Gregor Beck (Senior Strategist), Birds Canada

Habitat loss and degradation are among the main drivers of bird population declines globally – but you can be part of the solution. Transform your garden or yard into a beautiful outdoor space that you can enjoy, while also re-creating and expanding habitat for birds.

Our Gardening for Birds website (, video series, and resources will help you help birds by making it easy to design and plant a garden that is great for birds and other wildlife. Whether you have an existing garden that could use a few tweaks or an expansive lawn that you’re hoping to transform, the website, videos, and associated resources will give you a head start on welcoming more birds to your place!

On, you can:

  • Find details on 500 plant and select those most compatible with your area and your garden plan.
  • Find your Bird Garden Zones within Canada. Depending on where you live, and what conditions exist in your area, you can maximize your gardening successes by choosing plants that fall within these Bird Garden Zones.
  • Print out, save online, or email yourself a list of plants that will help you successfully garden for birds.
  • Search for a native plant nursery near you.
  • Watch a video series that covers how to: plan your bird garden, attract birds all year round, add diversity to attract more birds, and keep birds safe and sound while they visit you.
  • Learn about bird species you could meet in your garden.
  • Stay tuned for new resources and Gardening for Birds tips coming soon!

Start gardening for birds today by visiting

Gardening for Birds is a thing of beauty

Check out this amazing transformation! The first photo is the “before” photo, and the other photos show the same yard in southwestern Ontario just one year later! Just look at all those beautiful blooms and all the places for birds to perch, snack, take shelter, and thrive. These gardens were abuzz with pollinators, other insects, and birds shortly after planting, and nourished sparrows all winter! Thank you to the home owners for allowing us to share this glorious example.

Photos: Kevin Kavanagh/South Coast Gardens
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