LeaAnne Ross, Birds Canada Vice-President, Communications and Engagement
The first time I went birding with Jody, I found myself standing in the dark huddled with five other colleagues on a ravine in the middle of the forest at Turkey Point, Ontario–waiting. Waiting silently in hopes of a glimpse of an Eastern Screech-Owl. When he said, “I think it’s here, look up” I couldn’t believe my eyes, there perched on a branch sat the mysterious, spooky-sounding, yet surprisingly pint-sized owl. I was officially hooked on birding!
For so many, this is a similar experience when meeting Jody.
He has a unique ability to translate complex scientific concepts into accessible and captivating stories with his infectious love of birds (insects and generally all living things!).

Jody helps lead a tour with Birds Canada staff and Board of Directors as they scout for Whooping Cranes in Saskatoon in 2022.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Jody Allair’s remarkable journey with Birds Canada, where he has played many critical roles over the years spanning research projects, public engagement, conservation initiatives, and advocacy.
Jody first became involved with Birds Canada as a teenager taking part in a month-long internship at Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO) in 1994. This led to continuous returns as a bird banding and monitoring volunteer at LPBO and Thunder Cape Bird Observatories.

Prothonotary Warbler monitoring was a part of a long-term research project with our Forest Birds at Risk Program to help provide broad-scale information about population trends of some of our rarest forest birds.
As we celebrate Jody’s 20 years with Birds Canada, we honour how he has made a difference to bird conservation every day, not only for the birds, but for the people he has inspired to get outside and appreciate birds!
Thank you Jody!