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Bird Studies Canada Welcomes New President

5 August 2014 (Port Rowan, Ontario) – Bird Studies Canada (BSC) Board of Directors Chair David Love is pleased to announce Steven Price as the organization’s new President, beginning September 3.
From BSC’s National Headquarters in Port Rowan, Ontario, Mr. Price will provide strategic and operational leadership, and will direct all aspects of the organization’s science, conservation, and education programs across the country.
“We’re thrilled that Mr. Price, with his wealth of knowledge, passion for birds, and extensive management and leadership experience, has accepted the position. The Selection Committee was extremely impressed with Mr. Price’s strong track record in conservation science and his strategic vision for the future of our great organization,” said Mr. Love. “In particular, Mr. Price brings strong fundraising skills at the perfect time to increase the investment in bird conservation in Canada.”
Mr. Price graduated from the University of Toronto, earning a B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology and an M.Sc. in Botany, specializing in wetland ecology and conservation. He has worked throughout his career to conserve wildlife and wild places in Canada and abroad. He has been employed in various roles by World Wildlife Fund-Canada for more than 30 years, where his accomplishments included helping establish the Forest Stewardship Council, advancing the conservation of endangered species and threatened habitats in Canada and Latin America, and securing substantial funding for domestic and overseas conservation initiatives.


In 2006, Mr. Price founded WWF-Canada’s Conservation Science and Practice team; he has been that program’s Senior Director for the past eight years. Since 2013 he has also served as WWF’s International Program Director, and Adaptation and Resilience Leader. The emphasis on sound science, constructive approaches, and strategic partnerships that characterized Mr. Price’s work at WWF will be essential as he leads BSC in addressing the most important priorities for birds in Canada.
“Canada has a global responsibility and opportunity to conserve birds and the natural habitats that they and all wildlife depend on,” said Mr. Price. “Bird Studies Canada is at the forefront of developing sound science to reveal trends in bird populations and priorities for their conservation. I am pleased to apply my Canadian and international experience to such a vital organization in such a worthy cause.”
Bird Studies Canada thanks outgoing President Dr. George Finney, who is retiring this fall, for his outstanding contributions. During his successful decade-long tenure (2004-14), BSC matured as Canada’s leading national charity for bird research, Citizen Science, education, and conservation. Dr. Finney has played a critical role in more firmly establishing BSC as a central figure in bird and nature conservation – in Canada, and internationally.
Bird Studies Canada’s mission is to conserve wild birds of Canada through sound science, on-the-ground actions, innovative partnerships, public engagement, and science-based advocacy.

Media Contact

Elaine Secord
Communications & Public Affairs Manager
Bird Studies Canada
Office Tel.: 519-586-3531 ext. 111 or Cell: 519-586-7251

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