Pacific Invasive Species Project On the Scott Islands
The Scott Islands nation Marine Wildlife Area (including Triangle Island) is home to approximately 1.4 million seabirds representing 40% of British Columbia’s breeding seabird population. As such, they are considered the most important seabird breeding colonies in British Columbia. Breeding seabirds there include 50% of the world’s population of Cassin’s Auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus), 7% of the world’s population of Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata), and 2% of the world’s population of Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata). Furthermore, the Scott Islands also support 95% of the Province’s breeding Common Murres (Uria aalge), the only known nesting site of Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia) in Western Canada, and a small nesting population of Horned Puffins (Fratercula corniculata), which represents the southern limit of this species. Because of their significance for seabirds, the Scott Islands are recognized internationally as a globally Important Bird and Biodiversity Area by Birdlife International, and will also soon be designated as a Key Biodiversity Area.

Tufted Puffins Photo: David Bradley
Watch these videos to learn how you can do your part to follow the guidelines laid out in the biosecurity plan for the Scott Islands archipelago.