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Bird-friendliness Index

Western Meadowlark Photo: Yousif Attia

As a dependable, scalable, and actionable biodiversity indicator that is adaptable to a variety of working landscapes, the BFI addresses the challenge of quantifying biodiversity impact at a farm level and then communicating those impacts throughout agri-food supply chains.

Therefore, the BFI, originally developed by the National Audubon Society and adapted to the Canadian Prairies by Birds Canada, can play a key role in in enabling a market environment that rewards positive biodiversity outcomes, reversing biodiversity loss in Canada’s working landscapes, and building a resilient agricultural system where both people and biodiversity can thrive.

Read our new case study on the Bird-friendliness Index (BFI) on a farm in Western Manitoba.

Just released, this case study delves into the rich bird life at Hodgins Farm, a farm in Western Manitoba managed using the principles of regenerative agriculture, to demonstrate how the BFI effectively measures and communicates the Hodgins’ positive impacts on birds and biodiversity.

Grassland Conservation Manager Ian Cook talks BFI in this episode of The Warblers:


Thick-billed Longspur Photo: Yousif Attia

Thanks to our partners and funders for making this work possible:

ECCC- Canadian Wildlife Service

Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation

The Conservation Trust

South of the Divide Conservation Action Program Inc.

Saskatchewan Fish and Wildlife Development Fund

Weston Family Foundation

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